While most transactions are completed without any issues, Dealernet is available to help resolve any issues involving transactions which take place entirely through the Dealernet marketplace (must be marked as an accepted offer).  Dealernet will not be able to assist if there has been any unapproved modifications to an offer or for transactions which take place partially or entirely outside of the Dealernet offer process.

Issues with an Order
If there is an issue, it is recommended that the buyer contact the seller directly.  If no resolution can be made, the buyer does have the option to file an assist report. Filing an assist report is different from filing a complaint even though the process is the same. Members should file an assist report by clicking the flag icon next to the transaction of concern within 14 days of offer agreement.  Late payment issues should be reported as soon as possible as all transactions must be settled within 2 business days of receipt or upfront without exception.  Sellers are not permitted to offer any other payment terms (ex. payment within 14 days) to buyers for any Dealernet purchases.

While Dealernet provides an efficient peer to peer marketplace for members to conduct business, it must be clearly understood that since Dealernet is not involved directly with any transaction, it cannot make any determination regarding a discrepancy including but not limited to:

-incorrect quantity received
-incorrect item/box type
-factory sealed/shrink wrap issues

Dealernet will offer non-binding mediation in such matters but will not be able to make any determination of the validity of claims by any member because Dealernet does not physically inspect orders when shipped or received.  Since Dealernet is a peer-to-peer network, members take full responsibility and must understand all risks involved.

If Dealernet credits are used for payment, it must be clearly understood that the transfer of Dealernet credits are deemed as irrevocable and similar to a bank ACH or wire transfers.  The sender cannot make any claim to demand return of credits sent.

Dealernet will record the assist report regarding a discrepancy and at the sole discretion of Dealernet if a member is deemed to have repeated issues regarding order discrepancies, that member will have their account restricted and/or canceled without  further notice.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Help Desk.

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